Last time I covered the basics on cover letters, so today I want to have a more detailed look at what is often described as the motivation letter (or cover letter) which is increasingly being replaced by an email equivalent. Over the past few weeks of putting these episodes […]
Cover letters can be a crucial start to your relationship with your prospective employer. Today I’m going to discuss the basics of the cover letter: what are they, when do you need one, and how do you construct one? What is a cover letter? It’s a letter that enables […]
Episode 46: The Cover Letter
Most graduates don’t have the luxury of being able to take a year off after they graduate from university and, if you feel anything like I did, you’re probably fed up with studying and just want to get on and earn some money. This leaves you, in your final […]
Episode 45: The Grad Scheme Online Application
Networking and using social networks is so important in today’s business world. Knowing the etiquette of the social or business network that you are using is pretty much critical to your success. One of the most important networks from a business perspective at the moment is LinkedIn – a […]
Episode 44: 4 Steps to Making Connections on LinkedIn for ...
As part of a new series I’d like to look at careers from the perspective of someone who has just started out on theirs. So today I’d like to give a brief summary of a conversation I had with Imogen Massey, who is currently a trainee accountant in London, […]
Episode 43: Millennials talk careers with Imogen Massey
I’ve worked in recruitment for many years and I have never met anyone who had nothing to offer to a potential employer, but I have met plenty of people who need help expressing their qualities and skills. This post will be of most value to those of you putting […]
Episode 42: Creating a CV when you have no experience
I get rather annoyed when I see companies offering to write your CV; there is really no reason why you cannot write it yourself with confidence. After all, who knows what you’ve been doing in your career better than you? What you might need help with is the presentation […]
Episode 41: 5 Steps to Building your Basic CV
Employers like to find new recruits without the intervention of costly third parties. Whether that comes through their applicant tracking system, as a recommendation from a member of staff, or a friend, as long as they are not paying fees to a third-party agency, and the application is relevant, […]
Episode 40: 2 Ways to Beat the Online Job Application
What’s the single word that’s going to make all your sales literature, presentations and your conversations with movers and shakers really work for you and get you noticed? I want to discuss the power of a single word. I have been doing a series designed to give non-sales people […]